We proundly pronounce that Anook Cléonne will hold a speech at TEDxArnhem on 18 October 2016.
In her project ‘The Blue Hour’ artist Anook Cléonne invites people to share their earthshaking altering views with her, views she later transforms into very large (and delicate) drawings. Since graduating with honors from the Amsterdam Rietveld Academy and taking up residency at the internationally renowned Rijksakademie voor Beeldende Kunsten in the same city, one can find Anook’s work in museums as well as many corporate and private collections. We are living in a world flooded with images, facts and figures. Where opinions are often mistaken for facts. How does one make sense of it all, where to start, how to look? Can we trust our eyes when our heads are in the way most of the time, messing things up? How do we manage to keep up with that world? And can art seriously still make a difference in al of this? What would happen if we allow ourselves not to know… to travel without a map?
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